How Grounding Can Improve Your Sleep | Alternative Sleep Tips — Kelly Murray Sleep Adult Coaching

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How Grounding Can Improve Your Sleep

How Grounding Can Improve Your Sleep

By: Kelly Murray, Certified Adult Sleep Coach, FDN-P

Let's face it; our modern lifestyle has disconnected us from the Earth's natural energy. Have you ever thought about how those rubber or leather soled shoes we love can keep us from connecting with the Earth? It's true! And this disconnection could be yet another reason behind your sleep troubles.


The Science of Grounding

 I know this may sound woo-hoo but there is some science behind this theory.

The Earth carries a subtle electrical charge which we are disconnected to because of the shoes we wear.  This disconnect can contribute to imbalances in our body's electrical systems and may disrupt various physiological processes.

A research study suggests that this lack of grounding to the Earth's energy may be linked to increased stress, inflammation, and poor sleep patterns. It can also potentially affect our circadian rhythms, immune function, and overall well-being.

So what is the solution?

Grounding, also known as earthing.

It is a simple yet powerful practice that involves reconnecting with the Earth's natural energy. It's all about establishing direct physical contact with the Earth's surface, typically by walking barefoot on grass, soil, sand, or by using grounding mats or sheets. This connection allows our bodies to absorb electrons from the Earth, which can have numerous positive effects on our health and well-being such as reduction in cortisol levels and inflammation which as we discussed in earlier videos will lead to improvements in your sleep.

Let’s take a closer look…


Cortisol Reduction

We all know cortisol is the stress hormone that can mess up our sleep. If you are unfamiliar with this concept, make sure to read my cortisol blog after you finish reading this one.

Grounding has a powerful effect on cortisol levels.

A research study of 12 subjects that complained of sleep issues showed that sleeping on a grounding mattress pad helped to reduce their night time cortisol levels and reestablish a healthier circadian rhythm.  The participants in the study reported significant improvements in their sleep quality and stress levels. 



Grounding also offers an effective way to reduce inflammation in the body. When we make direct contact with the Earth's surface, our bodies absorb electrons, which are negatively charged particles. These electrons act as natural antioxidants, helping to neutralize harmful free radicals that contribute to inflammation and oxidative stress.

By effectively "quenching" these free radicals, grounding can help lower the overall inflammatory load in our bodies and in turn, improve our sleep.  Want to learn more about how inflammation can wreak havoc on your sleep, tune in to my last blog post about the Inflammation-Sleep Connection.  


Incorporating Grounding into Your Daily Life

Now that you're all excited try give grounding a try, let's talk about some easy ways to make it part of your daily life:

  1. Morning Sun Exposure -

    • I am always talking about getting 10 to 20 minutes of morning sunlight into your eyes. This is a great time to kill two birds with one stone. 

    • When you step outside to soak up that morning sun, kick off those shoes, and feel the grass or soil beneath your feet.

  2. Gardening -

    • If you're into gardening, try doing it barefoot. It's another double win – you get to ground yourself and tend to your beautiful plants.

  3. Become a Beach Bum -

    • Lucky enough to have a beach nearby? Take advantage of the sand and water – perfect grounding materials.

    • Walk along the shore or just sit with your toes in the sand; it's a recipe for relaxation.

  4. Grounding Mats -


When Grounding Isn’t Enough

Grounding can be a great tool to add to your sleep and wellness toolbox.  If you give it a try and it doesn’t make a big difference, please don’t be discouraged.  As with any more natural sleep solution, consistency is key.  Additionally sleep is complicated and there can be many factors at play that are leading to your sleepless nights.

If you would like to learn more about working with me so that you can get the sleep you need and deserve in order to feel and be your best, please schedule a free 30-minute discovery call with me to learn more →

Sweet Dreams

Kelly Murray is a certified adult sleep coach and an award-winning pediatric sleep consultant based in Chicago offering sleep coaching services nationwide.