Personalized Sleep Coaching for Adults by Kelly Murray | Overcome Insomnia and Sleep Deprivation — Kelly Murray Sleep Adult Coaching

Experiencing sleepless nights? Click here to uncover your hidden sleep sabotagers with my free mini-training


 A holistic approach to chronic adult insomnia rooted in mindfulness, functional health lab testing and science-backed sleep coaching.

The solution for adults who’ve seemingly tried everything, but still haven’t found the answer — combining stress resilience, sleep hygiene, diet and lifestyle shifts, with functional health lab testing to guide our custom-crafted coaching — to get you back to sleep, for good.

Kelly Murray Sleep Coach Packages

What’s Included + What To Expect

Lab Testing—Optimal Sleep


Lab Tests | The Details Sleep Coach Package

Get to the root cause of your sleep issues with functional health lab testing. Five state-of-the-art labs are available that you complete in the comfort of your home with my guidance and are shipped back to the lab via courier so that we can be a lot more efficient when supporting your body back to health — no need to rush out of the office at impossible work hours or miss your kid’s ballet recital or happy hour with your friends for that matter.

Testing available includes…

  • GI Map

  • Dutch Complete Hormone Test

  • Neurotransmitter Analysis

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

  • Metabolic, Vitamin and Thyroid Blood Work Assessment

Kelly Murray Sleep Coaching Sessions

sleep Coaching Sessions

Coaching sessions where we dive into your test results and implement customized diet, lifestyle, stress management and supplement protocols. We will tackle both of the two sleep saboteurs (body & mind) so that you can get unstuck and back to sleep for good.

Sleep Coaching Sessions | The Details Sleep Coach Package
Sleep Training Support

On-going Support

I will be right by your side, holding your hand the entire time. You will have continuous support + access to me via messaging and email and scheduled accountability calls so that you never feel alone (because we all know how lonely insomnia can be).


Invest In Your Rest

Sleep again for good with functional health diagnostics, continuous support, accountability, and science-backed sleep coaching.


You’ve Tried…

  • Going to bed at the same time every night

  • Meditation Exercise

  • Limiting/eliminating sugar

  • Sleeping pills — prescription and over the counter

  • Benadryl, Nyquil, melatonin, CBD and other drowsy meds or supplements

  • Limiting/eliminating caffeine

  • Avoiding screens before bed

  • Blue light glasses

  • Sleep masks

  • Drinking wine before bed/not drinking wine before bed

  • Anything your friends & family say helps them sleep


… and you’re still not sleeping?

The fact of the matter is…

You can meditate your ass off, but if there’s a bodily reason you’re up at night, you’re not going to sleep.

It’s time to take an in-depth look at the root causes of your insomnia.