How Blood Sugar Impacts Your Sleep | Tips for Better Sleep — Kelly Murray Sleep Adult Coaching

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How Blood Sugar Impacts Your Sleep

3 Tips to Balance Your Blood Sugar for Better Sleep

By: Kelly Murray, Certified Adult Sleep Coach, FDN-P

If you are having difficulty falling or staying asleep, you might be surprised to learn that your blood sugar levels could be to blame.

Blood sugar dysregulation, often associated with conditions like pre-diabetes or insulin resistance, can also make it hard to fall asleep, cause unwanted nighttime awakenings, tossing and turning, and general restlessness.

Here's the science behind it:

when your blood sugar levels drop, it sends a stress signal to your body that triggers your “flight or fight '' response to bring your blood sugar levels back to homeostasis. 

To accomplish this, your body converts glycogen from the liver into sugar.  This is very helpful as you need to maintain appropriate blood sugar levels for survival, but the problem is that when your body is in “flight or fight '' it also responds with surges of cortisol, the stress hormone which is extremely stimulating.  This cortisol surge can wake you up or make it hard to fall asleep in the first place. If you want to learn more about this phenomenon, I recommend checking out my blog “Blood Sugar and Insomnia”

If you're starting to connect the dots and suspect blood sugar dysregulation might be affecting your sleep quality, I have three top tips to help you stabilize your blood sugar and reclaim your restful nights.


Start Your Day with 30 Grams of Protein

Protein is your best friend when it comes to regulating your blood sugar. 

It helps to stabilize glucose levels and keeps you feeling full. Starting your day with a protein-rich breakfast is a great way to set the right tone for the day. Aim to consume at least 30 grams of protein. This could be eggs, Greek yogurt, a protein smoothie, or a small serving of lean meat.

My current go-to breakfast is to make a protein pancake by using my favorite protein powder Equip Prime Protein. It is so quick and easy to make and contains a whopping 26 grams of protein.  You basically just beat one scoop of protein powder with 1 egg and cook it in a pan just like a pancake.  

The reason I love Equip Prime Protein Powder is it is made from beef isolate so it has a complete amino acid profile as well as the same gut-healing benefits as bone broth. If you want to try it out, click this link for 15% off your first purchase or just use the code kellymurraysleep at checkout.     


Balance Your Meals with Macronutrients

Another key to blood sugar regulation is balance. Each meal should contain a combination of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates.

This trio helps slow down the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream, preventing those unwanted spikes and crashes. 

When it comes to complex carbohydrates, I find that most of my clients with blood sugar dysregulation do best with reaching for veggies and low-sugar fruits like berries as their main source of complex carbohydrates and eating starches like potatoes, rice and whole grains only in moderation.

Starchy carbs release sugar into your bloodstream just like refined carbs do.  If you plan to eat starchy carbs, make sure to eat them after consuming some veggies and protein, as these foods will line your stomach and slow the absorption of sugar. 


Take a 10-Minute Post-Dinner Walk

This is my favorite tip!  After you've enjoyed a nourishing meal, consider going for a leisurely 10-minute walk. This simple practice can help your body stabilize your blood sugar as your muscles need sugar to function.  Plus, it's an excellent way to get some evening light into your eyes, signaling the body to produce melatonin, further improving your chances of a peaceful night's sleep. 


The Role of Functional Blood Work

It's also a wise move to get comprehensive blood work done, including markers like A1C and Fasting Glucose.

These tests provide valuable insights into your blood sugar regulation.

Please be aware that your doctor may have told you that your labs are normal, but that doesn’t mean they are optimal, it just means you don’t have a diabetes diagnosis. 

In the functional nutrition world, we use a much tighter range when evaluating bloodwork as we are not diagnosing disease; instead, we aim to optimize your health. 

Fasting Glucose should be between 75-86 mg/dl and your A1C between 4.5 and 5.5%. If you are outside of these ranges, I recommend taking blood sugar regulation seriously before it turns into a metabolic condition.  


Curated Sleep Protocols Tailored to You

I offer a signature holistic sleep program that includes functional blood work analysis. By identifying any blood sugar dysregulation, we can craft a personalized sleep and nutritional protocol for you, delivering the best results. I'm here to guide you towards the restful sleep you deserve, empowering you to tackle your demanding life with newfound vitality.

If you would like to learn more about working with me so that you can get the sleep you need and deserve in order to feel and be your best, please schedule a free 30-minute discovery call with me here to learn more →


Sweet Dreams

Kelly Murray is a certified adult sleep coach and an award-winning pediatric sleep consultant based in Chicago offering sleep coaching services nationwide.