Gifts to Help Your Loved Ones Create the Ideal Sleep Sanctuary — Kelly Murray Sleep Adult Coaching

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Gifts to Help Your Loved Ones Create the Ideal Sleep Sanctuary

If you're anything like me, sometimes it can be a bit of a struggle to come up with the perfect holiday gift for my friends and family members. That's why I want to help you out and suggest something that 1 out of 3 of the people on your list is in need of: more sleep. Research shows that 35% of Americans aren't getting the minimal recommended amount of sleep of 7 hours per night. So, chances are, there are some folks on your list who need a little bit of help in the sleep department.


Give Gifts that Promote Healthy Sleep This Year

By doing so, you're really going to make a huge impact on the person’s life. Because if they're not getting enough sleep, it's definitely taking a toll on them physically, emotionally, and mentally. A good place to start when it comes to improving one’s sleep is to uplevel their sleep environment. We want to make sure that the sleep environment resembles a sleep sanctuary that is just like a little cave: dark, cool, and quiet. In this post, I'm sharing my top tips for creating a sleep sanctuary alongside my top recommendations for accompanying gifts for your loved ones.


Gift #1

Window Covers or a Sleep Mask

One of the most important things when it comes to creating the ideal sleep environment is to ensure that there's no light. That's because we have tiny little neurons in our eyes that collect data from the sun and when those neurons are exposed to sunlight or artificial light, it tells our body that it's daytime and that we need to be productive, so our body is going to produce cortisol (the alert hormone) and suppress melatonin (the sleepy hormone). The interesting thing about these little receptors is that they can detect light even when our eyelids are closed and they're also more sensitive at night. So that's why it's important that all external light is blocked off, especially when it comes to a window.

My favorite product for blocking off window light is the Home Blackout EZ Window Covers because they block out about 100% of the light compared to blackout curtains, which still let light in from the tops, bottoms and the sides. These window covers are delivered as rolled pieces of vinyl that you then cut to the size of your window and then adhere to the window with double-sided velcro. The company sends you everything you need. I love this product because it allows you to not only block out 100% of the light, but you can also easily remove them, such as during the day when you want to let some sunlight in.

Another great product for making sure there's no light exposure to your eyes at night is a sleep mask. I've tried hundreds of sleep masks and my favorite that I continuously go to is the Mavogel Cotton Sleep Eye Mask. It's made of cotton so it’s breathable and super comfortable — it feels like an old t-shirt. It also has a cartilage that goes over your nose so that you can squeeze it so no light gets in underneath. Best of all? It's only $10.


Gift #2

Wool Bedding

Not only do we need to sleep in a dark environment, we also need to sleep in a cool environment in order for our bodies to produce melatonin. Our body temperature actually has to lower by 2º in order for melatonin to start flowing because this is another external cue that our bodies take from our environment to know that it's nighttime and we should be sleeping. Isn't that just so genius? I know that a lof of people have a hard time with maintaining a good body temperature at night and a product that i really love to help promote thermoregulation is a wool duvet cover and a duvet mattress topper. My favorite product is by You Are What You Sleep. The great thing about these products is that they’re are made of wool, which is a natural fiber that’s very breathable and also wicks moisture, helping you maintain the appropriate body temperature overnight. If you do overheat overnight, this can trigger a wakeup because your melatonin goes down. The nice thing about these products, too, is that they are actually research-backed. A study that showed by sleeping in between wool it can improve your sleep quality by 25%.


Gift #3

Sound Machine

Anyone who has a partner who snores knows how important it is for your sleep environment to be quiet. That's why I recommend that everyone of any age runs a sound machine while they sleep. My favorite sound machine is the Lectrofan Kinder and the reason why I like it so much is that it offers brown noise. Noise comes in different colors; I had no idea that this was the case until I became a sleep consultant! The main colors of noise are: white, pink, and brown. White noise is the most stimulating; it's really good to run white noise in an office environment because it's going to help people be productive. White noise sounds like a radio set to an unusued station, so it's not really conducive to sleep. Brown noise, on the other hand, is a low frequency sound; it sounds more like a rushing river, so it's going to be more calming and soothing. The Lectrofan Kinder offers brown noise as well as dark brown noise and also fan sounds, which mimic brown noise as well. The other nice thing about it is that there are no cords! You just plug it right into the wall and then you can control it from an app from your phone, so it's super easy to use.


Gift #4

Sleep-Promoting Pillow Spray

Last but not least, you can tap into your sense of smell to help promote good sleep. Our sense of smell is tightly related to our emotions. For example, my mom is italian and is alway scooking with garlic, so whenever I smell garlic, I always think of my mom and I automatically feel love. Im sure there are scents that evoke some emotional resonse in you, too, so that's why I really like to use a spray on your linens that is going to help promote relaxation and relieve anxiety. The best smells for this purpose are: chamomile, vetiver, and lavender, which have all been proven to improve sleep and reduce anxiety. My favorite sleep spray that contains all three is thisworks Deep Sleep Pillow Spray. it smells lovely. (In fact, whenever I buy a bottle, my daughter steals it because she likes it so much!) Again, it has such a nice, lovely smell, it's not irritating, and it's really simple to do before you go to bed to help get a better night's sleep — and it makes a really good stocking stuffer!


Get Some Sleep

I hope that these gift ideas help you to cross more people off your shopping list this year and that the gifts translate into better sleep for the recipients. That way, your loved ones can feel and be their best.


If you’d like more tips, you can read more articles on improving your sleep in my sleep blog. I have a ton of great resources.

Or if you're interested in working with someone one on one, I would love to help. Get added to the adult sleep waitlist right here →

My mission is to help you get the rest you deserve to be your best.


Sweet Dreams…

Kelly Murray is a certified sleep coach and an award-winning pediatric sleep consultant based in Chicago offering sleep coaching services nationwide.