Could Your Blood Sugar Crash Be to Blame for Your Insomnia? — Kelly Murray Sleep Adult Coaching

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Could Your Blood Sugar Crash Be to Blame for Your Insomnia?

Have you ever woken up at 3:00 AM feeling like you've just exploded out of a cannon? The feeling of having so much energy flowing through your system that there's no way you can fall back to sleep, despite not hitting your 7 hour quota for the night?

This has definitely happened to me and it happens to a ton of my clients.

The good news is that there is a simple reason this phenomenon is taking place. and steps you can take to avoid it in the future. Allow me to explain what’s going on…


Blood Sugar and Sleep


The Blood Sugar Roller Coaster

A common reason for a wakeup around this witching hour is that your blood sugar levels have plummeted to sub-optimal levels. Because of this, your body is kicking in cortisol (the alert hormone) to bring your blood sugar back up to a normal, optimal level. As a result, you are going to get a huge burst of energy — which is going to wake you up, and then you'll have difficulty falling back to sleep.

The reason this is likely happening to you is because you're on what I call the “blood sugar roller coaster”. Your blood sugar is spiking throughout the day and, as a result, it's then rebounding and bottoming out, prompting your body to produce cortisol to bring it back up. The body continues this pattern throughout the day as well as the evening.


TIP #1:
Avoid Foods with a High Glycemic Index

One reason you’re on this wild ride is because you're likely eating foods that have a high glycemic index. The glycemic index is a rating system used to indicate the degree to which a food raises your blood sugar when consumed. Foods with a higher glycemic index have more of an impact on your blood sugar than foods with a low glycemic index.

If you suspect that you're waking up in the middle of the night due to blood sugar regulation issues, I recommend trying to follow a diet that is rich in foods with a low glycemic index. These foods include lean protein sources (i.e. chicken and fish), nuts, legumes, veggies, and fruit. Avoid fruits and veggies that have a higher sugar content, like tropical fruits (i.e. pineapple, banana, mango) and starchier veggies (i.e. peas and carrots).


TIP #2:
Eat Frequently

Another easy way to make sure that your blood sugar is stabilized throughout the day is to ensure that you're eating frequently. Try to eat small meals every 2-3 hours so your blood sugar doesn't tank too low.


TIP #3:
Consider the Metabolic Type Diet

Another helpful strategy that I have found is a game changer for myself, as well as my clients, is to consider following the metabolic typing diet. This diet tells you the ratios of macronutrients you should eat with each meal to stabilize your blood sugar and to use your fuel efficiently for your metabolism.

Our main macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. I am a “slow oxidizer”, which means I require more carbohydrates; I need more fuel for my metabolism to be revved up. As a result, I typically eat about 75% carbs with each meal and 25% fat and protein. I've found that this has helped me to have very stable levels of energy throughout the day and I avoid that nasty 3:00 AM wake-up. 

Another example of metabolic type is a “fast oxidizer”. Fast oxidizers metabolize carbohydrates very quickly, so instead of eating a lot of carbs like I do, they will eat a diet higher in fat and protein and lower in carbs - about 75% fat and protein and 25% carbohydrates.

NOTE: When I say “carbohydrates”, I mean complex carbohydrates. These are “healthy carbs”, like veggies, quinoa, and whole grains — not simple carbs (because those are not good for your blood sugar!)


TIP #4:
Consume Soluble Fiber

Lastly, make sure you're consuming enough soluble fiber. Soluble fiber enters your gut and forms a gel-like substance and slows the digestion of carbohydrates and, hence, helps to balance your blood sugar. Soluble fibers include foods such as oatmeal, nuts, legumes, veggies, as well as apples and blueberries.


No More Crashing — Just Smooth Sleeping

If you experience that jolt at 3:00 AM, I highly recommend taking a look at your diet and make sure that you're employing strategies to help balance your blood sugar. Give it a try and let me know if it works. I would love to hear from you!

There’s a reason you’re struggling to sleep — we just have to uncover what it is. If you try my tips and you aren’t finding success, please feel free to set up a discovery call to learn more about my process. I want to help you get the rest you deserve to feel your best.


Sweet Dreams…

Kelly Murray is a certified sleep coach and an award-winning pediatric sleep consultant based in Chicago offering sleep coaching services nationwide.