Does CBD Improve Sleep? — Kelly Murray Sleep Adult Coaching

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Using CBD to Improve Your Sleep

Incorporating CBD to Improve Your Sleep

By: Kelly Murray, Certified Adult Sleep Coach

One of the most common questions I get from adults who suffer from sleep issues is:

Will CBD improve my sleep?

Now, I don't blame anyone for asking — you can find CBD everywhere from dog treats to beauty products! — and one of the main benefits that CBD manufacturers promote is its sleep inducing qualities. I've actually  wondered the same thing: does CBD live up to its claims?

So when CBD company TruZen approached me to do a trial of their product, I jumped at the opportunity — especially since I was seeing a little bit of slippage with my own sleep due to the anxiety I had regarding my kids going back to school. 

Now I want to share with you what I discovered through my own research and experience about CBD and sleep with TruZen as my guide.


What Is CBD Anyway?

CBD stands for Cannabidiol. It is a compound found in the plan Cannibis Sativa, along with THC. Both CBD and THC are known as Cannabidiols and have been shown to provide medicinal value. However, unlike THC, CBD is non-intoxicating.


How Does CBD Work?

I'm sure you've heard of different bodily systems such as our digestive system, our respiratory system, our immune system, our reproductive system, but did you know that we have an endocannabinoid system?

Our endocannabinoid system (ECS) is responsible for maintaining homeostasis in our body. It regulates things like our mood, appetite, sleep and circadian rhythm. Within our ECS is a network of receptors in which endocannabinoids attach and help to send signals to our body to maintain balance.

Our body naturally produces endocannabinoids. However, over time with age and stress, the number of these naturally occurring cannabinoids decreases, and as a result, it can impact our mood, our ability to manage stress, as well as our sleep.

The theory is that if you supplement with cannabinoids such as CBD, your body will remain in balance and you'll see mental and physical benefits, such as reduction in anxiety, pain, and improvement in sleep. Although more research is needed to conclusively support these claims, the current research is very promising and I want to share some of these studies with you.


Research + Support

As it goes without saying, anxiety can adversely impact your sleep. The good news is that research is now coming out to show that CBD can help lessen anxiety. A randomized controlled study conducted in 2011 showed that individuals who suffer from general anxiety disorder benefited from taking CBD during a simulated public speaking event (nothing is worse for anxiety than public speaking!). The participants reported a decrease in anxious feelings, cognitive impairments and an improvement of their overall performance when they took CBD before their talk.

Just like with anxiety, pain can impair your sleep. A recent study published this year followed 131 individuals who suffered from chronic pain and were using opioids to manage their discomfort and were given CBD for 8 weeks. The results were pretty impressive. What it showed was that half of the users were able to either decrease or eliminate their opioid usage, and then almost all of the participants who took CBD reported improvements in their quality of life.

If CBD is able to reduce pain and anxiety, then it's going to inevitably improve sleep. There's also research that looks specifically at sleep, such as this study conducted in 72 adults who suffered from anxiety and poor sleep. Participants were given 25mg of CBD every morning and at the end of the study, 79% reported a reduction in anxiety and 66% reported that their sleep improved.

Research is also coming out that higher dosages of CBD is effective at improving sleep. One study in particular showed that with 160mg that sleep duration was improved. Another study looked at cortisol and the impact of high dosages of CBD. We know that individuals who suffer from insomnia typically have higher levels of cortisol and in this study, it showed that between 300-600mg of CBD was effective at reducing cortisol — hence, it should improve sleep.


My Own Personal Study Of One

When I tried CBD myself, I noticed an improvement in my overall sense of well-being. I found I wasn’t as anxious; that little slippage I saw in my sleep completely went away; a subtle but noticeable difference in my general wellness took place. I was so impressed with the results that I continue to take it to this day.


Now for the question that begs to be answered:

Should I take CBD to improve my sleep?

First things first

Based on my own personal experience and the current research, I think it's definitely worth a try! I recommend also combining it with other therapies, such as sleep restriction therapy, stimulus control therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, improved sleep hygiene, lifestyle, and diet. You may also want to explore functional testing to ensure that your gut health is in order, your hormones are balanced, your  minerals are balanced, and that your thyroid is functioning properly.

If you're interested in any of these therapies, I would love to chat with you some more. You can schedule your complimentary discovery call here →

Check With Your Doctor

If you're going to give CBD a try, it's very important that you first consult your doctor. You want to make sure that it's not going to interfere with any of your current medications.

Know Your Source

It's also equally as important that you find a reputable provider.

I personally love TruZen and here is why:

  • The company represents “three generations of trusted nutraceutical knowledge and products previously available only through health professionals,” in their own words. 

  • TruZen CBD is the first CBD backed by human clinical studies.

  • They are more powerful than the leading brands so you can take a lower dose. You only need 25 mg of TruZen® CBD as compared to 100 mg of typical CBD products.


Work with an Adult Sleep Coach

If you’d like more tips, you can read more articles on improving your sleep in my sleep blog. I have a ton of great resources.

And when you’re ready to invite me in to work with you one-on-one, I would love to help. You can schedule your free discovery call right here →

My mission is to help you get the rest you deserve to be your best.


Sweet Dreams

Kelly Murray is a certified adult sleep coach and an award-winning pediatric sleep consultant based in Chicago offering sleep coaching services nationwide.