Improve Your Sleep, Crush Your Goals in 2023 — Kelly Murray Sleep Adult Coaching

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Improve Your Sleep, Crush Your Goals in 2023

Getting Adequate Sleep Helps You to Meet Your Goals

By: Kelly Murray, Certified Adult Sleep Coach

For many of us, the start of a new year is filled with ambitious goals and plans for the future. But have you considered how your sleep habits can impact these resolutions? It’s no secret that our sleep patterns directly influence our performance and productivity. What’s more, improved sleep can also help you maintain a healthy weight, build muscle mass, improve your mood, and even enhance relationships. In this blog, we will explore why improving your sleep can help you crush your goals in 2023.

How Sleep Impacts Productivity

When it comes to productivity, quality always trumps quantity. We all know that getting enough rest is key to performing at our best; yet most of us don’t realize just how much an hour or two—or lack thereof—of sleep can affect our overall ability to focus and produce results. Research suggests that every hour of lost sleep leads to two hours of lost productivity the following day. That means if you miss out on just one night’s worth of restful sleep, you could be losing up to 16 hours of valuable productivity each week!

The Connection Between Sleep & Weight Management

Sleep plays an essential role when it comes to health and wellness too. During deep sleep (also known as slow-wave sleep), your body releases human growth hormone which helps build muscle mass and regulate hormones like ghrelin and leptin—hormones responsible for controlling appetite throughout the day. As such, getting enough restful sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy weight or building muscle mass quickly and effectively.

The Role Of Restorative Sleep On Relationships

In addition to its physical benefits, effective restorative sleep also has psychological benefits that directly impact how we interact with those around us. Studies show that people who do not get adequate amounts of restful sleep are more likely to feel irritable or agitated in their relationships with family members or colleagues at work than those who get seven to nine hours each night. With improved moods come improved relationships—and a better chance at success in 2023!

Why Focus on Better Sleep?

In conclusion, improving your sleeping habits has far-reaching effects beyond simple energy levels throughout the day; it can also impact everything from physical well-being to relationships. When setting goals for the upcoming year, why not consider adding “getting better quality sleep” among them? Doing so may make achieving any other ambition much simpler!

If you’ve tried everything under the sun to improve your sleep to no avail, I have your back. You are likely not seeing the desired outcomes as the physical stressors getting in the way of a good night’s sleep (i.e., hormonal imbalances, gut dysbiosis, mineral deficiencies) have not been addressed. If you’d like to learn more, let’s chat. You can schedule a complimentary discovery call here.
