3 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Sleep In the New Year — Kelly Murray Sleep Adult Coaching

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3 Easy Ways to Revitalize Your Sleep In the New Year

3 Easy Ways to Revitalize Your Sleep In the New Year

By: Kelly Murray, Certified Adult Sleep Coach, FDN-P

Happy New Year, friends! Now, I must confess, I've always found the post-holiday period to be a bit draining. The hustle and bustle of the festivities, coupled with the societal expectation for self-improvement, often leaves me yearning for one thing — just a good, uninterrupted nap.

This sentiment was even more pronounced during my battle with insomnia.

The desire for better sleep overshadowed the allure of New Year's resolutions. Sure, I wanted to be more productive, present with my kids, and committed to fitness, but the colossal obstacle of my 3:00 AM wake-up calls loomed large.

If you're nodding along, understanding this struggle intimately, then you know the profound impact sleep has on our ability to set and achieve goals.

So, let's steer away from the conventional narrative of sleep as the key to unlocking all your potential this year (you already know that!) and instead delve into three simple strategies to finally usher in the restful sleep you crave.


Clean Up Your Diet for Sleep's Sake

Embrace the wisdom of a whole-food diet by bidding farewell to processed foods neatly packaged in bags or boxes. The rationale here is two-fold:

  1. Processed foods are often sugar-laden, contributing to blood sugar dysregulation. This rollercoaster of spikes and drops can trigger cortisol release, hindering both falling asleep and maintaining a peaceful slumber. (Here’s a previous blog that dives into this in detail.)

  2. Processed foods often contain inflammatory ingredients like sugar, soy, and artificial additives. Inflammation, a response to these elements, prompts cortisol production, a hormone we want to keep in check for restful sleep.


Three Deep Breaths for a Tranquil Digestion

Before each meal and bedtime, gift yourself three deep breaths where the exhale surpasses the inhale.

This simple act triggers your parasympathetic nervous system, promoting the rest and digest state. By initiating this state before meals, you ensure optimal digestion, addressing nutrient deficiencies that might interfere with your sleep.

Practicing deep breaths before bedtime aids in cortisol reduction, a vital element in falling and staying asleep. As the breaths guide you into a state of tranquility, the body responds by preparing for a restful night.


Cultivate Gut Health with Fermented Foods

Prioritize your gut health by incorporating three servings of fermented and cultured foods into your daily diet.

Kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, and kefir are excellent choices to improve gut health.

These foods house probiotics, essential for gut health, where 90% of serotonin, the feel-good hormone, is produced. Serotonin acts as a precursor to melatonin, the sleep hormone, influencing your sleep cycle.


Make This New Year Your Year of Sleep

By adopting these straightforward yet impactful habits, you set the stage for rejuvenating sleep all year long.

However, if sleep issues persist, it might be time to explore deeper layers. Underlying stressors could be at play. Here are a few examples :

  • gut dysfunction

  • hormone imbalances

  • mineral deficiencies

  • neurotransmitter issues

Through the functional lab testing offered in my one-on-one sleep programs, we can identify these hidden culprits sabotaging your sleep. If this resonates with you, schedule a free discovery call with me here.

Together, we'll unravel the holistic approach that can dismantle the barriers to your peaceful rest. Wishing you a year filled with restorative sleep and abundant well-being this year.

Sweet Dreams

Kelly Murray is a certified adult sleep coach and an award-winning pediatric sleep consultant based in Chicago offering sleep coaching services nationwide.
